Luke Smith, Pro Volleyball International, Signs On As An EcoAthletes Supporter


Luke Smith has played indoor men’s volleyball at the highest levels the world over, from the London 2012 Summer Olympics for Team Australia to professionally in countries like Poland, Turkey and Germany. The global nature of his career has given him a good perch to see the worldwide impacts of the climate crisis. The Australian Olympian has decided to get involved with the climate change fight by becoming an EcoAthletes Supporter.

“I am very passionate about sustainability and combating climate change, so this self-learning journey led me to find EcoAthletes and their cause through an old friend and ex-athlete,” Smith shared. “We need to find effective ways in communicating environmental issues and solutions to our own personal networks- I hope to improve this with the guidance of EcoAthletes.”

Smith’s appreciation for the environment and interest in climate change began when he was a youngster.

“Since early childhood, my two brothers and I were encouraged to be outside exploring Western Australia’s beautiful natural environment,” recalled Smith. “I ended up studying environmental and Earth sciences part-time through the University of Canberra, whilst embarking on a sporting career going back from 2009. As I studied and learnt more about the state of the environment, it became increasingly concerning how our modern civilization is nearing cliff edge. Climate change is so complex and complicated, as I dived deeper into the subject it honestly became so daunting and depressing knowing how existentially threatening the issue is, yet how little is being done to avert future devastation. I’ve since come to learn that the change needed to avert a cataclysmic climate crisis is possible and begins on an individual level by taking action and making changes within our own lives and only then can be broadened out to the macro level.”

Passionate about the need for climate action, Smith looks forward to working with EcoAthletes so he can better communicate the urgency of the issue to his fans.


“We need to find effective ways to connect with our personal networks about the seriousness of the environmental and climate challenges we face, as well as articulate the exciting solutions that exist and are ever developing, Smith noted. “I look forward to improving my climate communications skills with the guidance of EcoAthletes.”

The one-time Australian Olympic volleyball team member also plans to introduce fellow athletes to EcoAthletes. In so doing, Smith hopes to help spark the much needed global #climatecomeback.

“I hope to facilitate the process of connecting athletes and sporting organizations to EcoAthletes’ climate education and climate action mission,” Smith said. “Most athletes I have been blessed to meet and connect with over my volleyball career have shown an inherent desire to ‘give back’. I hope, through my work with EcoAthletes, to grow environmental education and action throughout my sporting network.”


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