The Climate Scoreboard Does Not Look Good As We Close Out 2024…

Your Year-End Financial Support Will Help Make 2025 the Year of the #ClimateComeback!

The Paris 2024 EcoAthletes Champions Scoreboard

  • 17 Olympians

  • 6 Medalists

  • Olympians Reached Over 40 Million with #ClimateComeback Messaging!

Four EcoAthletes Champions Discuss Climate Change & its Impacts on Sports with NBC News

Paris Olympics EcoAthletes Champions

Equipping Climate-Curious Athletes to Become
Climate Leaders

Olympic Games Paris 2024

Olympians Push IOC to Replace Toyota with a Real Leader in EV market

Clemson Wins

2nd Straight Collegiate Cup

Climate Wins Big!

Ana Klenke, the EcoAthletes Champion from Clemson who led the charge.

The World is in a Crisis.

It is late in the 4th quarter and we are losing to climate change. The science says the clock is ticking: Humanity has until 2030 to reduce carbon emissions by 45% to avoid the most calamitous impacts of climate change. Good news is the technology largely exists to get us there.

We need to inspire the #climatecomeback


It’s time for a #ClimateComeback.

Athletes are legendary for summoning the will to overcome huge obstacles, but they’ve never faced a tougher opponent than climate change.

EcoAthletes helps them get in the game so they can inspire millions of fans to join the climate change fight.

Helping EcoAthletes Champions Advance from Climate Curious to Climate Leaders

The Resource Hub


I believe EcoAthletes can play an important role in elevating awareness of the climate crisis among millions of fans, ultimately influencing those fans to demand positive climate action

— Dr. Michael Mann